TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, the House State Affairs Committee passed House Bill 7, a bill that would censor protected speech in classrooms and workplaces. The bill seeks to ban teaching inclusive concepts in schools and workplaces, including topics dealing with race and gender discrimination. The bill would also give employees the ability to file discrimination claims against an employer engaging in such trainings or discussions. This bill is a part of a dangerous nationwide trend attempting to ban discussions of race and gender in schools and in the workplace.
Kirk Bailey, political director at the ACLU of Florida, responded to the committee's vote with the following statement:
“Banning discussions of systemic racism in classrooms and workplaces is systemic racism. These bills overstep the state’s authority to determine school curricula and constitute government overreach and censorship.
“Our kids should be taught an accurate view of our nation's history, including the good and the bad. Students and employees deserve to have a free and open exchange about our history and its impact on our communities.
“We need to remember what school is about: it's a place for our kids to learn, not a place for politicians to turn parents against each other or against our teachers. Historical erasure is a threat to everyone. The last thing Floridians need is politicians between our kids and their teachers.
“Florida lawmakers need to focus on improving the lives of Floridians, not censoring discussions of historical facts because it makes some of them uncomfortable.”