The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is our nation’s guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Since our founding in 1920, the nonprofit, nonpartisan ACLU has grown from a roomful of civil liberties activists to an organization of over 1.84 million members, with offices in almost every state.

The ACLU of Florida, headquartered in Miami, is the state affiliate of the national organization. Chartered in 1965, the ACLU of Florida operates with four offices throughout the state, and 33 staff members. In addition to the Miami headquarters, there are regional offices located in: Pensacola and Tallahassee.

The mission of the ACLU of Florida is to protect, defend, strengthen, and promote the constitutional rights and liberties of all people in Florida. We envision a fair and just Florida, where all people are free, equal under the law, and live with dignity.


  • We value justice, where all people are treated fairly, with dignity, and have equality under the law.
  • We value liberty, where all people have self-autonomy, freedom from suppression, and freedom to make their own choices.
  • We value democracy, where all people have their voices heard and have the ability to meaningfully participate in decision-making.
  • We believe in non-partisanship. Our work is guided by our values, not by political party or personality. 
  • We believe in centering the leadership and voices of impacted people.
  • We believe in equity and inclusion. We build and sustain a culture of belonging as part of our work, and our work is guided by our belief in the inherent worth of all people.
  • We believe in integrated advocacy. Our work is guided by the knowledge that achieving our mission requires us to use multiple tools, rather than relying on any one single tactic. 

With more than 180,000 members and supporters across Florida, the ACLU is funded entirely with private donations, foundation grants, court-awarded legal fees and membership dues. We do not receive any government funding. Annual membership dues are $35 for an individual. Students and others on limited incomes may join for $5.

The ACLU is comprised of two organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation. Learn more about the differences between the two organizations.