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ACLU of Florida media office,, 786.363.2737

November 8, 2022

MIAMI — On Tuesday, Ron DeSantis was re-elected to serve as Florida’s governor. 

The ACLU of Florida is a non-partisan organization and does not support, oppose, or endorse candidates for elected office. The organization continued its “ACLU Justice Voter” education campaign to inform Floridians about the impact the Florida governor has on our rights and freedoms. Along with a survey sent to candidates for Governor that asked for their positions on civil liberties issues, the ACLU Justice Voter campaign invested in educating voters across the state about the impact the governor has on the lives of Floridians and our civil rights and liberties.  

Tiffani Lennon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, responded with the following comment: 

“Across the country, access to abortion prevailed in Vermont, Michigan, California, and Kentucky. Two-thirds of Florida voters support abortion access, and Tuesday’s results do not change that fact. 

“Here are some other truths we know: We all deserve the freedom to make our own personal medical decisions, including abortion care, without political interference. LGBTQ+ youth deserve to feel safe and supported in our schools, not silenced. All students should have a right to access information and learn without the threat of censorship. Voting should be accessible for all Florida voters. Mass incarceration does not make our state stronger or safer, and no one should be locked away in prison for marijuana possession.  

“Given the systemic efforts to suppress voters and the intentional efforts to redraw district lines to silence communities, last night's outcome is no surprise. Post-election, we must remain more vigilant than ever, with bold action that builds political power in communities and centers racial justice. Every eligible Floridian deserves to exercise their right to vote free from intimidation and threats. We must reject political games that play with our democracy.

“We know we are battling for the soul of our democracy, and there are forces that threaten our ability to live freely. We are deeply committed to fighting for our rights and liberties. We will never stop working for Floridians. Together, we will make Florida a place where we all belong, and we will not be derailed or discouraged. 

“The Governor of Florida must be a governor for all, not just for some. This election, like every election, does not change our commitment to justice and liberty for all. It only deepens our resolve to hold politicians accountable to our constitutional values, freedoms, and protections.”