2024 Legislative Priorities

The ACLU of Florida is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting and strengthening the civil rights and liberties of all Floridians. As a nonprofit membership organization with over 180,000 members and supporters in Florida and more than 1.8 million supporters nationwide, we advance this mission through litigation, advocacy, and education.

Criminal Justice Reform: Reform Florida’s Criminal Legal System

Florida’s criminal legal system locks too many people up for far too long and is designed to disproportionately criminalize, incarcerate, and disenfranchise people of color and those with fewer resources. We will advocate for legislation that will enact meaningful criminal legal reforms. Bills that would increase the rehabilitation credits available to people currently serving their sentence, reduce the number of children being prosecuted as adultsreduce the use of draconian mandatory sentences, and ensure a person’s driver’s license is not suspended for non-driving related offenses or because they can’t afford to pay certain fees and fines. Floridians deserve equal treatment, freedom, and protection under the law. We will continue to work to ensure our state pursues better justice for all.

Voting Rights: Protect the Right to Vote

The right to vote is fundamental to our democracy. We will advocate to ensure that a system of fair and open elections exists in which all eligible voters — regardless of gender, race, socioeconomic status, or any other category — may cast a vote and have it accurately counted. We will oppose any legislation that seeks to disenfranchise eligible voters or makes it more difficult for voters to exercise their fundamental right to vote.

Immigrants' Rights: Defeat Anti-Immigrant Legislation and Protect Immigrant Communities in Florida

Immigrants’ rights are under attack and we will continue to work tirelessly to defeat xenophobic anti-immigrant legislation and ensure greater protections for all Floridians, regardless of where you were born. We will continue to vigorously oppose any unconstitutional legislation that treats immigrants like second-class citizens and will forcefully advocate for our most vulnerable populations.

LGBTQ+ Rights: Protect LGBTQ+ and Gender Non-Conforming Floridians, and Oppose Any Legislation Denying Such Basic Human Rights

No one should be discriminated against because of who they are or who they love. The ACLU of Florida supports comprehensive LGBTQ+ protections in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, medical care, and government services. We will support legislation ensuring that LGBTQ+ Floridians and gender non-conforming individuals can live openly, with dignity and respect, and oppose legislation denying such basic human rights.

Reproductive Justice: Safeguard Reproductive Rights

Reproductive rights are essential to an individual's equality, autonomy, economic self-sufficiency, and dignity. We will oppose legislative efforts seeking to erode the constitutional right to abortion and we will be vigilant in protecting the privacy and ability of every Floridian to determine what is right for them.

Free Speech/First Amendment: Protect the Right to Peacefully Protest

The right to join protests or peaceful assemblies is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment. In recent history, challenges to the right to protest have come in many forms, including law enforcement’s crackdown on demonstrations through mass arrests, excessive use of force, and curfews. We are also now seeing consistent efforts to restrict Florida educators and students from learning and talking about issues related to race and gender. We will oppose any legislation that seeks to silence, criminalize, and further disenfranchise individuals exercising their First Amendment rights.

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