For nearly 60 years, we have been working on a number of issues in defense of our civil liberties. Our current frontline items are gender equity and reproductive freedom, voting rights, free speech, immigrants' rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. Learn more about our work below.

Criminal Justice

The ACLU of Florida seeks an end to policies within the criminal justice system that cause widespread violation of constitutional and human rights and also lead to unprecedented levels of incarceration.

Free Speech

It is almost certainly no accident that freedom of speech is one of the very first freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights: “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance

Gender Equity & Reproductive Freedom

The decision to start a family is a deeply personal, private decision best left to a person, their family, and their doctor. Yet some politicians insist on interfering.

Immigrants' Rights

More than 2.7 million Floridians – approximately 16.7 percent of the total population – are foreign born. That percentage is far higher in some parts of the state, such as Miami-Dade, where the population is 51 percent foreign born.

LGBTQ+ Rights

The ACLU of Florida works to create a Florida free of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Police Practices

The ACLU of Florida receives hundreds of complaints of police misconduct every year, ranging from verbal abuse, to racial profiling, to use of excessive force, to inappropriate use of lethal force. But that does not mean there has been no progress.