Use these resources to learn more about how school discipline practices effect youth arrests and outcomes, research your local district, and connect with potential allies.

Background Information

  1. The Council of State Governments Justice Center, The School Discipline Consensus Report: Strategies from the Field to Keep Students Engaged in School and Out of the Juvenile Justice System.
  2. Kim, et. al., The School-to-Prison Pipeline (2010).
  3. Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality and the National Black Women’s Justice Institute, Be Her Resource:  A Toolkit About School Resource Officers and Girls of Color.
  4. ACLU of Florida, End Zero Tolerance
  5. Teaching Tolerance, The School to Prison Pipeline (2013).
  6. ACLU School to Prison Pipeline Resources
  7. Strategies for Youth, Parent's Checklist for SROs in Your Children's Schools

Local Government Contacts

School Superintendents


  1. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth Online
  3. Florida Dept. of Juvenile Justice, Delinquency in Schools
  4. Florida Dept. of Education, Student Data Reports and Safe Schools
  5. Using Data, End Zero Tolerance

Florida Organizations

  1. Direct Action & Research Training Center
  2. Equality Florida – Safe and Healthy Schools
  3. Florida Education Association
  4. Florida Parent Teacher Association
  5. Florida Restorative Justice Association
  6. Florida School-Justice Partnerships
  7. National Organizations
  8. Advancement Project
  9. Annie E Casey Foundation
  10. Dignity in Schools
  11. National Juvenile Justice Network
  12. Strategies for Youth

To add your organization to this list or suggest other resources, email