Final redistricting maps pass the legislature

With the House and Senate finally agreeing on new district lines for state House, state Senate, and 27 Congressional seats, the final maps are now available, but as expected, at least two lawsuits already have been filed claiming the maps violate the voter-approved Amendments 5 and 6 of the Florida constitution. To see the final maps, visit

ACLU and League of Women Voters team up to fix voter ID bill

A bill by Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R-Miami) and Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Okaloosa) rewriting some of the language in HB 1355 – last year’s controversial elections overhaul (or voter suppression) law – would have allowed a voter’s address on their ID to be challenged at the polls. Currently a voter’s ID may only be used to confirm physical identity via the ID’s photo and a signature match on the voter rolls. Working with the sponsors on a last minute amendment, the ACLU and the League of Women Voters worked to amend SB 1596 and HB 1461 to protect a voter from challenge by a poll worker for simply having an old ID with an old address – which could have led to voters being directed to vote a provisional ballot.

ACLU partners with State of Black Florida

This week, the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators held its annual State of Black Florida week. Lectures on the state of Black America, workshops on voter suppression, and networking events with community leaders culminated in a Unity March and Rally that brought together a cross-section of civil rights and public interest groups calling for the repeal of last year’s voter suppression law, changes to the clemency process, and an end to voter suppression tactics. The ACLU is proud to stand alongside groups fighting for equal access to the polls. To learn more about the event, visit

Media Roundup:

Coming Up:

School Prayer heads to the House

Senator Gary Siplin’s (D-Orlando) school-sponsored prayer bill has passed the Senate and has been referenced to two House committees, Education and Judiciary. If you have not done so already, please call or email the members of each of these committees and ask them to vote “NO on SB 98.” Contact information can be found here:
House Education Committee:
House Judiciary Committee:
Full House:

Prison Privatization up for final passage on Senate floor

The full Senate is scheduled to vote on a measure to privatize twenty-seven public prisons throughout the State this week on the floor. If you have not done so already, please call or email your Senator and ask him / her to vote “NO on SB 2038. Stop feeding Florida’s addiction to mass incarceration.”
To find contact information for your Senator, click here: